Tukoda Productions Event Planner
Tukoda Productions

Want to collaborate on a project?

Connecting Communities, Inspiring Action.

We believe corporate gatherings have the potential to connect communities and inspire action. This is why we create inclusive gatherings that embrace diversity and foster a sense of shared purpose.

Our clients share our commitment to responsibility and accountability, trusting us to help them navigate the intricacies of hosting inclusive events.

With a strong focus on community, we collaborate with a diverse range of partners to bring your vision to life. From supporting local businesses to amplifying the voices of underrepresented individuals and organizations, we strive to create opportunities for all.


  • Tukoda Productions Winnipeg Event Planner


    We collaborate, listen, and create a production plan aligned with your goals.

  • Tukoda Productions Winnipeg Event Execution


    We work with the event team to execute the event.

  • Tukoda Productions Winnipeg Post Event Analysis


    We see what we did right, and where we could do better.