Gracious Hosting: Session support

Even the best presentation can fall flat without the right support system in place.

Once upon a time, a passionate facilitator named Sarah embarked on leading an interactive session on mindfulness and well-being. With a phenomenal slideshow presentation she had meticulously worked on for months, and a many insightful anecdotes, Sarah began the online session filled with eager participants.

As Sarah began speaking, the chat lit up with questions and comments from the attendees. Simultaneously, she attempted to navigate her slides, ensuring her points were effectively conveyed. With each passing moment, Sarah found herself juggling multiple tasks—responding to messages, advancing slides, and maintaining the session's flow.

Sarah's content was compelling, garnering engagement and participation from attendees; however, she struggled to manage the session and share the content. Despite her best efforts, Sarah was losing her connection with the audience, and their visible annoyance grew.

Don't be Sarah.

Even the best presentation can fall flat without the right support system in place. Get support and delegate, it is part of graciously hosting and is often the difference between presenting professionally with the participants in mind and making a presentation for friends.

Support staff play a crucial role in ensuring that facilitators can focus on engaging with participants on a deeper level and fostering meaningful connections. From technical troubleshooting to managing participant queries, helpful support can make all the difference in creating a seamless and immersive session experience.

Before your next session, ensure you have support by:

  • Asking a colleague to co-facilitate.

  • Recruiting a volunteer.

  • Considering hiring Tukoda Productions.


Gracious Hosting: Guest Experience


Gracious Hosting: Beyond Guest Count